Hello there! I’m Namkhing

I'm a product designer and a coder with a passion for finding the intersection of 
design and technology on digital products. 

Currently, I'm at Picnic designing products for employees and internal operations. Before this, I worked with Amity on social experience products. I also was a junior graphic designer at Ogilvy & Mather (BKK) where I spent time with creative teams producing fun, enthusiastic advertising.

When I'm not designing, you can catch me coding stuff, watching F1, or getting lost in the pile of fiction books. Apart from those lists, I am also likely travelling and documenting people's behaviour with photographs. Check out
Want to collaborate or have a chat with a cup of tea? Feel free to reach me at namkhing.lee@gmail.com. If you want to learn more about me, have a look at resume, or my LinkedIn
©Namkhing Lee 2021