User Research
Visual Design

Timeline:Jan - Apr 2020

TMOS ⸺ Thailand Museum 
of Science

National Science Museum is a learning center. Its mission is to inspire children and every audience in the fields of science, technology, and engineering.

Help National Science Museum build a new experience regain more visitors and better accessibility

Shaping new experience

To create a better experience, first, we need to identify the problems.

I researched the complete journey of the museum's visitors, made a SWOT analysis, visited multiple competitor museums to review the overall picture, and find at which touchpoint need to be improved. Then interviewing with museum curators, schools and families, here are the main problems museums face

The museum locates outside of the city center in which no public transit is accessible.

The museum has an obscure brand because it shares the same identity with a state enterprise organization. So the museum lost the ability to compete with explicit theme competitors.

Lose public attractions because of the increase of department stores, cafes, and Instagram-able places near the city center.

Develop brand new concept

The new museum concept uses the idea of fundamental science logic

Everything originates from the smallest unit.

In science logic, an atom is the smallest possible amount of matter. It still retains its identity as a chemical element. These are the basic units of any existing matter in the world. Combining these units can create a hundred possibilities of compounds. The same as ideas and inspiration, they could ignite people from the small place as the museum.

For the museum's logo, I merged the idea with the well-known shape of the museum's building called "The Cube". The result was a solid, simple black and white with a square corner typeface. We also reworded the museum's name to make it shorter and more catchy as "TMOS" or "Thailand Museum of Science".

Media design 


To stamp a new museum brand into visitor's hearts, I designed the museum souvenir collections with a vibrant, classy style. All selected items can use in daily life for people of all age range.

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